Chapel Hill
Friends of the Downtown Meeting

Thursday, April 29, 2018
Coffee at 9:30 | Program at 10:00

Friends, Food, Table, & Our Environment at La Residence Restaurant


Come hear our speaker, Fran Gualtieri and the staff of La Residence Restaurant, speak about running one of the most unique and popular downtown restaurants.  Be prepared to be delighted!  This meeting will also include special door prizes!

Arts talk about Current ArtSpace + Studio. It’s a new kind of arts venue where no two experiences are ever the same!

This month’s gathering of the Friends of the Downtown will take place in La Residence Restaurant on Rosemary. Coffee and conversation begin at 9:30. Starting promptly at 10 a.m will be news of the downtown, with our speaker directly after. Meetings are free and open to the public.

La Residence Restaurant
202 West Rosemary Street, Chapel Hill

Parking will be available in the 140 West underground lot.  Enter the lot from Rosemary. For other parking see